Sunday, August 05, 2007

Aut Caesar aut nihil (et nihil fuit)

On 11 March 2007 a requiem mass was celebrated in remembrance of Cesare Borgia, who died 500 years ago.
The mass took place in the Santa Maria Church of Viana in Navarra.
The music was by contemporaries of Borgia, notably Pedro de Escobar (15th-16th century), Francisco de PeƱalosa (ca. 1470-1528) and Johannes Antxieta (ca. 1460-1524).
Performers were the Nova Lux Ensemble directed by David Guindano Igarreta.
Performed were the
Missa pro defunctis
Absolutio super tumulum
Ordo ad sepeliendum "Caesarem Borgiam".

The organizers had given the requiem a title based on Cesare Borgia's slogan "AUT CAESAR AUT NIHIL" (It's either caesar or nothing), but they mischievously added "et nihil fuit" (and nothing came of it.

A prayer was said to plead for rest for Cesare's soul:
Dominus vobiscum et cum spiritu tuo. Oremus.
Praesta, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus,
ut anima famuli tui Cesaris Borgiae
quae hodie de hoc saeculo migravit,
his sacrifiis purgata,
et a peccxatis expedita,
indulgentiam pariter et requiem capiat sempiternam.
per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen

After the mass a floral wreath was placed by the mayor and the councillor for tourisme of the province Navarra at the commemorative stone in front of the main entrance of the church.

For more photographs look here

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